
"Tourist" Run

Most of the time marathon training isn't kick started with a 7 mile long run, however I have been wanting to get in a longer run to start on and a "tourist" run seemed perfect for the night. The 105 degree weather isn't too conducive for running therefore breaks and excitement are very necessary to keep motivated.
A tourist run is basically a run that has mini breaks spread out. I took about 3 breaks, to embark in "tourist behavior". I took some fun pictures of the city, I did a little people-watching of runners and bikers on the trail, I took off my shoes at one point and put my feet in the lake; basically I made the run feel like it was an adventure. I suggest this for getting back into running. Sure we can run a 3 mile loop, be done, drive home, but there is something fun and refreshing when you embark on a tourist run and make your day feel like an adventure. Health and running should be fun, remember?!

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